what does fluid in the cul de sac mean

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what does fluid in the cul de sac mean
Home Buying: What does it mean when it.
noun, plural culs-de-sac / ˈkʌlz dəˈsæk , -ˌsæk , ˈkʊlz- ; French küdəˈsak / Show Spelled [ kuhlz -d uh - sak , -sak , k oo lz - ; French k y d uh - s a k
What does it mean by minimal free fluid.
What is the medical term meaning surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to remove fluid?
what does fluid in the cul de sac mean
What is the medical term meaning surgical. What is the medical term meaning surgical.
I have been experiencing pain on right side since November just prior to resuming menstruation in December 2005 after birth of 3rd child in May 2005 and nursing.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop.
What does excessive fluid in the cul-de.
26.10.2009 · Best Answer: Minimal fluid is most commonly seen after ovulation until the onset of your period. It occurs as a result of a ruptured ovarian cyst after
WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN IT SAYS LOCATION: CUL-DE-SAC.? Find answers to this and many other questions on Trulia Voices, a community for you to find and share local
17.12.2006 · Best Answer: A cul de sac is an area of fluid collection in the "pelvic area." It is actually called the cul de sac of douglas to be correct. Fluid What does it mean by minimal free fluid. Ovulation and Ovaries Forum - no fluid.
What is PCOS? And when does polycystic ovary syndrome become a problem for women?
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